Compañía Minera Condestable Renews Commitment to Sustainability by Obtaining The Copper Mark Certification

Historic Achievement: The Peruvian mine becomes the first medium-sized mining company to obtain this prestigious certification in the world.

Lima, August 24, 2023; Compañía Minera Condestable (CMC), a company belonging to the Peruvian group Southern Peaks Mining (SPM), has renewed its commitment to The Copper Mark certification. This prestigious certification for copper-producing companies worldwide recognized a medium-sized mining company with world-class standards for the first time in August 2022.

To achieve this, the company underwent a significant transformation. This accomplishment is the result of the company´s efforts to become a benchmark in mining, based on its pillars of Innovation and Sustainability. The guidelines required by The Copper Mark were met, demonstrating a practice of responsible production aligned with contributing to the United Nations´ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ICMM standards, and international standards.

In August 2022, there were ten criteria with partial compliance, which have now been fully met after an exhaustive evaluation process. This certification validates and demonstrates the company´s commitment to a clean and sustainable operation.

"The fact that Compañía Minera Condestable obtained The Copper Mark certification is evidence that we are still on the path of operational excellence we set for ourselves when we assumed our role in the world´s energy transition. This achievement is a source of pride for the company´s workers and for the Southern Peaks Mining group as a whole. We will continue our commitment to the responsible production of copper." stated Adolfo Vera, CEO of Southern Peaks Mining.

To obtain the certification, the auditing team visited the mine site and surrounding communities, reviewing firsthand how the company carries out its work. The mining company underwent a comprehensive evaluation of criteria associated with human rights, environmental aspects, social responsibilities, and corporate governance.

Today, Compañía Minera Condestable has shown that with joint efforts and determination, one can accomplish great feats, transformations and set a path towards sustainability. All this while maintaining its commitment to The Copper Mark and clean production.

In the past year, Southern Peaks Mining has reaffirmed its commitment to sustainability by optimizing reporting processes, compliant mechanisms, verification methods, the assurance of a sustainable supply chain process, the development of new policies related to human rights, ethics, and integrity, as well as by redefining a model of social investment based on shared value and aligned to the United Nations´ Sustainable Development Goals.

“We firmly believe that it is possible to develop sustainable, efficient, and environmentally responsible mining, and we demonstrate this daily through our work. Sustainability is the framework by which we conduct our business and make decisions. We understand that mining plays a key role in the current global energy transition, and we take responsibility in developing a clean and sustainable production to support this.", commented Cecilia Rabitsch, Vice President of Environmental Affairs and Sustainability at SPM.

The Copper Mark is the first and only certification developed specifically for the copper extractive industry. This provides customers, investors, and stakeholders with the assurance that the company has an appropriate and sustainable production performance.

Compañía Minera Condestable is an underground copper mine with over 60 years of operation. CMC currently has a processing capacity of 8,400 tons per day. It is located in Mala, just one hour from Lima, demonstrating that mining, agriculture, and development can coexist harmoniously.