Minera Condestable awaits BISA studies to start its expansion project

The process of certifying the reserves and resources of Minera Condestable was delayed in 2020, because the company depended on a Canadian company´s personnel coming to Peru, but this could not take place due to travel restrictions caused by the pandemic. However, according to Adolfo Vera, CEO of Southern Peaks Mining, Condestable´s parent company, in an interview for Global Business Report, the certification process was restarted in the fourth quarter of 2020 “with the local engineering firm, BISA, and by April 2021 it will be ready base of studies for expansion”.

The staged expansion at Condestable will initially increase throughput from 7,000 tonnes per day to 8,400, and construction of this stage should be completed in the third quarter of 2021, resulting in a 20% increase in the company's copper production. According to Vera, "The next stage after this will be to increase the throughput to 12,000 tonnes per day after we have prepared a new EIA and obtained the necessary permits."

Recently, Southern Peaks Mining and Statkraft Peru managed to close an important contract that will guarantee the supply of 132 GWh per year of renewable energy until 2033 for the Condestable mining unit, in the Lima region.

Source: https://energiminas.com/minera-condestable-espera-estudios-de-bisa-para-iniciar-su-proyecto-de-expansion/