Southern Peaks Mining (SPM) ongoing certifications processes



Lima, July 5th, 2021. - Southern Peaks Mining (SPM), a Peruvian-based mining company dedicated to the development and operation of mining projects of copper and other minerals, has started various certification processes.

“Huella de Carbono Perú”:

Official recognition given by the Peruvian government (the Ministry of Environment - “MINAM”) to public and private organizations that have benefited the environment by managing their Greenhouse Gas emissions.

“Sello de “Empresa Segura” del Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables”:

The “Empresa Segura, Libre de Violencia y Discriminación contra la Mujer” certification promotes gender equality, stopping violence against women, and the commitment to stop discrimination within the organization and its surrounding communities. It is given out by Peru´s Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables del Perú).

Global Reporting Initiative 2019 certification and 2020:

Acknowledges the most widely recognized standards for sustainability reporting and allows companies to act and take business decisions that support sustainable development. SPM is working on its GRI Sustainability Report for the year 2019 and 2020.

The Copper Mark certification:

The Copper Mark certification guarantees the implementation of good practices in a responsible copper production process and the company´s contribution to the sustainable development goals (SDG) promoted by the United Nations (UN). This will allow SPM to be recognized as a company with Responsible Production and Consumption process of copper.

In addition, SPM has obtained the following certifications:

Renewable Energy:

Southern Peaks Mining LP became the first mining company in Peru to obtain a renewable energy certificate through an agreement with Statkraft and AENOR.

ISO 14001:2015:

SPM renewed its ISO 14001:2015 certification in May 2021. It is valid until 2024. This certificate guarantees SPM´s high standards of operation regarding environmental management and minimizing negative impacts to the environment.

“Certificado Azul”:

Peru´s National Authority of Water (“ANA” – Autoridad Nacional del Agua) and Agricultural Development and Irrigation Ministry (Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego) awarded this certificate to SPM. It seeks to reduce the company´s water footprint trying to improve sustainability and promote an efficient use of water.

These certificates emphasize SPM´s commitment to modern and sustainable mining. SPM strives to achieve world-class mining standards, working hard to reach these goals.