Compañía Minera Condestable (CMC) receives the "Certificado Azul" Certificate from the National Water Authority ("ANA" - Autoridad Nacional del Agua)

Lima, August 20nd, 2021.- CMC is now recognized as a water responsible company, thanks to its commitment to reduce its water footprint.
The ANA has highlighted CMC’s efficient water management in favor of the population, as well as the environment, within its direct and indirect areas of influence.
ANA has only recognized 16 private organizations in Peru in the last 6 years, which have, in aggregate, accomplished savings of 3.2 million cubic meters of water.
Compañía Minera Condestable has had an outstanding record of commitments in the Water Footprint Program, hosted by ANA, since 2018.
“At Southern Peaks Mining (SPM), we are very proud of this recognition to our affiliate Compañía Minera Condestable, as it shows the commitment of our group of companies, including Condestable and Ariana, to promote good practices and responsible water management in favor of the Sustainable Development in the vicinities of our operations and our country” said Adolfo Vera SPM’s president and CEO.
This certification guarantees the implementation of best practices in water management and the company´s contribution to the sustainable development goals promoted by the United Nations (UN).