"Growing Together" campaign of Ariana Operaciones Mineras benefits dozens of families in Carampoma and Marcapomacocha.

"Growing Together" campaign of Ariana Operaciones Mineras benefits dozens of families in Carampoma and Marcapomacocha During September and October, the residents were trained in how to prevent COVID-19. They also received psychological support and biosecurity materials. Lima, October 12TH  2021. Ariana Operaciones Mineras of Southern Peaks Mining (SPM) successfully started the "Growing Together" campaign, benefiting ... Leer más

Compañía Minera Condestable (CMC) receives the “Certificado Azul” Certificate from the National Water Authority (“ANA” - Autoridad Nacional del Agua).

Compañía Minera Condestable (CMC) receives the "Certificado Azul" Certificate from the National Water Authority ("ANA" - Autoridad Nacional del Agua) Lima, August 20nd, 2021.- CMC is now recognized as a water responsible company, thanks to its commitment to reduce its water footprint. The ANA has highlighted CMC’s efficient water management in favor of the population, as ... Leer más

Compañía Minera Condestable (CMC) awarded "Certificado Azul"

Compañía Minera Condestable (CMC) awarded "Certificado Azul"   Lima, July 22nd, 2021.- Peru´s National Authority of Water (“ANA” – Autoridad Nacional del Agua) and Agricultural Development and Irrigation Ministry (Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego) awarded the “Certificado Azul” certificate to Compañía Minera Condestable. It seeks to reduce the company´s water footprint trying to improve sustainability and promote ... Leer más

SPM named Anchor Company for Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 2021

Southern Peaks Mining (SPM) named Anchor Company for Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 2021 Lima, July 20th, 2021.- Southern Peaks Mining (SPM) has been named an Anchor Company (“Empresa Ancla”) for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in Peru for the second consecutive year, thanks to its participation in the “Competitive Business Program” (“Programa de Negocios Competitivos del ... Leer más

Compañía Minera Condestable (CMC) presented Excellence Award for Best Occupational Risk Management 2020

Compañía Minera Condestable (CMC) presented Excellence Award for Best Occupational Risk Management 2020   Lima, July 14th, 2021.- It is with great enthusiasm that we announce that Compañía Minera Condestable has been presented the Excellence Award for Best Occupational Risk Management 2020 (“Premio Excelencia a la Mejor Gestión Integral de Riesgos Laborales 2020”) given out ... Leer más

Southern Peaks Mining (SPM) ongoing certifications processes

Southern Peaks Mining (SPM) ongoing certifications processes     Lima, July 5th, 2021. - Southern Peaks Mining (SPM), a Peruvian-based mining company dedicated to the development and operation of mining projects of copper and other minerals, has started various certification processes. “Huella de Carbono Perú”: Official recognition given by the Peruvian government (the Ministry of ... Leer más

Southern Peaks Mining (SPM) starts The Copper Mark certification process

Southern Peaks Mining (SPM) starts The Copper Mark certification process Lima, June 16th, 2021.- Southern Peaks Mining (SPM), a Peruvian-based mining company dedicated to the development and operation of mining projects of copper and other minerals, has started The Copper Mark certification process. This certification guarantees the implementation of good practices in a responsible copper ... Leer más

Minera Condestable awaits BISA studies to start its expansion project

Minera Condestable awaits BISA studies to start its expansion project The process of certifying the reserves and resources of Minera Condestable was delayed in 2020, because the company depended on a Canadian company´s personnel coming to Peru, but this could not take place due to travel restrictions caused by the pandemic. However, according to Adolfo ... Leer más

Southern Peaks would increase its investment in the Ariana project to US $ 140 million

Southern Peaks would increase its investment in the Ariana project to US $ 140 million Southern Peaks Mining is evaluating to increase the planned investment for the Ariana copper-zinc project by US $ 15 million to a figure close to US $ 140 million. Mario Guerra, Operations Manager at Ariana Operations Mineras, a local subsidiary ... Leer más

INTERVIEW: Adolfo Vera CEO, Southern Peaks

INTERVIEW: Adolfo Vera CEO, Southern Peaks How was 2019 for Southern Peaks Mining? From an operational perspective, Southern Peaks Mining experienced some challenges in 2019, one of which was the delay in obtaining a permit to expand capacity at Condestable. We have yet to obtain the permit which we hope will be achieved in Q1 ... Leer más